Tag Archives: Human Capital

Enter Inner Architect’s “The Apprentice Contest”: Tell The World Your Story In Our Book

Update dateline March 18, 2008

Author Susan Hanshaw’s upcoming book “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live” will include a story line from the winner of “The Apprentice Contest.” As part of the book launch, inner architect has been running “The Appretice Contest” where contestants were sent a free copy of Chapter 1 “Cultivating Your Mind To Consider Change.”

Contestants were asked to write their impressions, suggestions, or description of an event that helped change their lives for the better. The winner would then be awarded a copy of Susan’s book, $50 Gift card, and they would have an article published in our blogs supporting their business, website, and blog.

As a way to give back to our readers and to recognize a truly important event or story, inner architect has decided to reward the winner of “The Apprentice Contest” with publication. The winner’s story will be included, up to one page, in our book. In addition we will include the winners url for website, blog, and business.

What This Means For You

Our plans are to distribute the book worldwide both online as an ebook as well as via print publication. If you are looking for viral marketing opportunities, publication, and the chance to have your work noticed outside of your normal distribution channels then enter “The Apprentice Contest” and tell the world!

Change Your Life Now: Let Go of The Paycheck And Your Fear?

According to WebMd’s article “Fear and Phobias: The Top 10 Plus One”, American’s fears run the gamut from spiders to confined spaces to death.

Forbes claims that “50% of Americans dislike or hate their jobs” yet the fear of letting go of a paycheck and leaving the cause of such pain seems impossible to most people–until now.

Becoming an inner architect, Susan Hanshaw’s video series, launched one of the most important segments to date: How Do You Let Go of The Paycheck and Lose The Fear? In this multi part segment, Susan asks the question etched on nearly everyone’s mind:

How Do I let Go of My Paycheck and Lose The Fear?

Before you can understand how to take action to eliminate your fear of money-fear of losing the paycheck you must first realize:

You haven’t been shown that there is another way of looking at money

The next 3 videos in our series will show you three erroneous views of money and how you can change those views to release your fears.

How To Remove The 3 Roadblocks To Change: Fears, Limited Beliefs, Commitment

Inspirational author Susan Hanshaw in her book, Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live, provides something that the popular writing of Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Marc Allen, and Eckhart Tolle often overlooks: how to steps that help implement change. The following are the 3 Roadblocks to Change and an exercise which helps you to begin to implement your action plan.

3 Roadblocks To Change:

1. Fears about your ability to successfully create change

2. Limited beliefs about what you can achieve or who you can become

3. Commitment to taking the necessary steps

For the inner architect evaluation exercise-tool, Personal Steps For Change located on page 6, which gives you the start to a plan of action to change your life, please request your free copy of Chapter 1 “Cultivating Your Mind To Consider Change”:

Email your request to: contest@innerarchitect.com

Becoming An Inner Architect Tutorial #2: “The First 3 Choices of Change”

You Always Have Choices

According to Susan Hanshaw, author of the new book “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed to Live”, one of the most difficult ideas for people to understand and comprehend in order to take action is the idea of choice. For choice is the precursor to change, and as we can attest, sometimes change can be difficult even painful. If you are feeling stuck, if you are feeling lost, or if you are feeling your career has lost meaning, it is time to focus on the answer:

The First 3 Choices of Change:

1. Option #1: Keep everything Status Quo. Take no action and feel no differently

2. Option #2: Make an adjustment somewhere in an effort to influence positive change

3. Option #3: Let go of your job and find something that fits you better

Susan Hanshaw’s video, #2 in the series “Becoming an inner architect”, supports the idea of choice and the options of choice you now face. These concepts and steps were derived from Chapter 1 “Cultivating Your Mind To Consider Change.”


For details on Susan Hanshaw’s book “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live”, instructions on how to receive a free copy of Chapter 1 “Cultivation Your Mind To Consider Change”, and details about “The Apprentice Contest” reference “Inner Architect’s “How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live”: New Video Series, Contest, Book.

Free Book Chapter Offer:Take Your First Step To Change

We at inner architect are publishing a book, a life manual, “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live” devoted to helping people become aware of their challenges, find the courage to confront the idea of change, and take the final step by implementing an intentional plan of action.

“The Apprentice Contest” is a first step in giving people the opportunity to review Chapters 1 now and Chapter 2 of “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live” in the future.

The Benefits of Ordering Your Free Copy of Chapter 1

1. Chapter 1 “Cultivating Your Mind to Consider Change” helps readers learn:

a. To identify clues that tell you if your job is no longer working for you
b. Get clarity about how well your job is working for you
c. Understand what this means to you personally
d. Recognize what your choices are
e. Identify which choice you really want to make
f. How prepared you are to make a change
g. Your personal steps needed to prepare you to create your change

Susan provides guidance through steps, questions, and measuring tools (reader exercises) which provide the foundation for you to honestly evaluate your situation.

More importantly, Susan has lived and walked this path of change in her life. She abandoned a very successful 20 year direct marketing career as a Vice President to create a better life.

Woven throughout the book are her personal accounts and struggles of leaving a career that no longer fit her life. In addition to Susan’s story, she fortifies the book with stories from former coaching clients, students of her workshops, friends, and family. This collage paints a truth for many readers who can not help but identify, me included, with many of the scenarios in the book.

Final Analysis: Chapter 1 “Cultivating Your Mind to Consider Change” helps you understand the value of an open mind aka awareness, provide tools to measure where you stand in your beliefs and attitudes toward change, illustrates a methodical process of steps to implement to reach your goals and intended outcomes.

Truly consider Susan’s story, participate in the exercises, and consider where you stand. If you have experiences or thoughts please share them by joining “The Apprentice Contest” featured in our next article.

Awareness and Trust: Keys To Leading a Happy-Purpose Driven Life

Join our inner architect newsletter club subscribe via email at dean@innerarchitect.com

What do citizens under the control of the current North Korean regime, people living in the former Fidel Castro cold war communist Cuba, and political prisoners persecuted in China for expressing ideas or free thought have in common? These people are physically and mentally controlled with no freedoms to create or do what they wish to express.

With this in mind, why are so many people in democratic-free America, and other countries, so blind to the freedom they have to change their circumstances, express their thoughts, or create the life they wish to live?

The answer is awareness. People fail to see, believe, or trust that they have the ability to change their reality. They remain painfully unaware of their own choices in life in a world where many people ACTUALLY never have the ability to choose or create their life.

According to Forbes and other leading media sources, over 50% of Americans dislike their work, feel trapped in dead end careers, and remain fearfully unable to leave their source of discomfort.

Once people develop the awareness of the possibilities of a new life, they must build trust in their ability to create the life they wish to lead.

What is Trust? According to author Susan Hanshaw “Trust is a belief that you accept without evidence.” Simply put you know something to be true without having the physical evidence a scientist would demand as proof.

Trust is the secret to living your purpose

Key for Success #1: Trust in your ability to successfully start a new life. Utilize your Substance Factor including past experiences, skills acquired, titles attained, wisdom learned, respect achieved as powerful tools to move forward.

Key for Success #2: Build your trust so that it is stronger than your fear. Believe in your ability to change, stop allowing fear to dictate your choices, and plan to trust in your abilities to move into your new life.