Tag Archives: teaching

“Changing Careers: Laying Your Foundation” Workshop Slated September 6: First In The Series of Inner Architect Workshops

susan hanshaw photo


“Changing Careers: Laying Your Foundation”

Is your heart calling you to make a career or personal change, yet you lack the structure, focus or support to get started? Whether you know what you want to move into or need guidance getting clarity, this workshop will assist you in stepping onto the new path with the understandings you need to stay the course and build a life you love.

Substance Factor

Whether you know your path or you are looking for a transition, this workshop goes beyond career goals. It is a workshop that will provide the attendee with the following tools from Phase 1 and Phase 2 of Susan Hanshaw’s latest book “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live” see Tom Royce’s review from his blog therealestatebloggers.com.

What You Will Learn

  • Recognize your choices and identify the choice you want to make
  • Common obstacles to creating work you love and their solutions
  • Identify your personal obstacles and define their solutions
  • Understand your beliefs about your future possibilities and make necessary adjustment
  • Create a vision of your best life possible
  • Learn the key to fulfilling work
  • 5 steps to discovering your purpose
  • Where to look for clues about your passions and purpose
  • Recognize clues to your unique purpose
  • Identify ways to express your purpose and generate income
  • Recognize which role excites you the most
  • 6 steps for experimenting with your role


Date: Saturday, Sept 6, 2008

Time: 10am – 4pm

Location: The beautiful Quadrus Center in Menlo Park, CA

Prices: TBA

The 3 Building Blocks To Change Your Life: #2 Your Interests

Is there an activity, hobby, or ritual that brings endless joy to your life?

Do any of these “interests” stand out as special interests or passions that give you such pleasure that you lose track of time when involved in them?

Has a passion been identified by your family or friends as being a special talent you possess?

If you can answer yes to one or all of these questions then you are about to unlock the key building block to change and happiness: your interests and passions

Building Block #2: Interests and Passions

Everyone is special in some way, is unique, and everyone has interests that provide joy. Your interests are hidden tools within your experience that will help you identify the path of change to explore.

Tip: Make a list, with as much detail as possible, identifying your favorite things in life. Identify hobbies, interests, rituals, and anything that fascinates you. Once you have compiled your list, begin to identify and mark the interests that are special to you. These “special interests” or passions are the things most special to you. Now that you have your list of passions begin to explore the possibilities of converting anyone of these passions into a business.

If this sounds too good to be true–it is not. Building block #2 Interests is the most important guide to changing your life forever. Susan Hanshaw’s new book “Inner Architect: How To Build The Life You Were Designed To Live” identifies the steps you need to take to realize a better life.